The music used for the slides was
An Gairdin Cuimhneachain (The Garden of Remembrance)
I was specifically tempted to title her a non-existent girl.
To begin with, she is a life-size silicone doll, so she is not real from the outset.
Usually, what catches my eye when I look at a promotional image is something that somehow looks like someone else. I am aware that these days my taste is more towards the atmosphere of a girl than before.
However, it is unlikely that there is anyone who looks like this head.
Her eyes are so large that she looks like a character forced to be created by CG animation or AI.
It reminds me of a Hollywood film that used motion capture to CG a comic book character. When I only saw the image of the heroine, I felt rather creepy. However, my initial rejection faded as the film's storyline progressed, and by the end I found it suitably appealing.
This head does not feel that uncomfortable and seems to remain just barely in the direction of the real-life girl. Yet, I still think of her as a non-existent girl.
The girl I imagine is only conceptual. It is an idealisation in my imagination, and I know that in reality, she doesn't exist anywhere. At my age, girls and young women living today are so far away that they may not be much different from the fantasies in my head.
As a type of 'girl' that does not exist in reality, I decided to include a girl with a face that does not really exist from just the beginning.
This doll was named Akira. However, as it was difficult to imagine a girl, I considered two names, Akari or Kagari, in reference to the light. Both of these names are written with a single kanji character, but for some reason, I did not think the characters were appropriate for this head.
I decided to call it Kagari, written in hiragana.
She is a beautiful, non-existent girl with greyish-blue hair.