
Small flowers by the roadside (_itokanasikimonotachi_)

Add one burgundy colour


The music used for the slides was

Henrik Meierkord & Marco Lucchi
Svensk Vinter

The same outfit as in the previous article 'Doll's Costume', with one colour added as an accent.
It is a thin one with openwork, so should it be called a stole rather than a shawl?
When I give it to this beautiful person, she shows me how to wear it in various ways other than draping it over her shoulders. Even when she pretends to be a life-size doll, she suddenly shows a change in expression that is very much that of a human girl. Both her doll-like beauty and the naughty gleam in her eyes are part of her charm.

One of the promotional images for a life-size doll showed a mosquito perched on a silicone skin. The point may have been that the finish was so realistic, but why did it look so tasteless? Even if an insect were to rest its wings, it would never pierce the cold silicone resin with its needle-like proboscis. Even if it had landed on the skin, it would have flown away immediately.
A flesh-and-blood person would be bitten by insects, and the skin would be red and prone to pimples. I have heard that some photographers are nasty about the models' skin. I heard someone say that once. Don't they think that the person in front of the camera is not a doll, but a human being like themselves?
There is nothing that is always the same and unchanging. Even silicone dolls change over time, their oils evaporate.

As I write this, I am reminded of a summer day more than ten years ago.
A young woman, about the same age as my daughter, came to me with her two children to ask a favour. It was almost the end of the working day, so she gave me a lift home in her car. Before we got into the car, we stood talking for the first time in a while, and the girl, who hadn't started kindergarten yet, pointed to a mosquito that had landed on my arm and said, 'Oh!
Thank you. You're a sweet girl. I thanked her, but it seemed to be after it had eaten me and I immediately started to itch. There were four of us, including me, but I was the only one, the oldest, who had been bitten.
I wondered if my blood was acceptable, but then I thought it was better that it was me than young children or young women being eaten.

The girl, who seems nice and intelligent, will be in high school next year.
I couldn't help but think _ if I had grandchildren.

前の記事 "doll costume" と同じ衣装、アクセントカラーとして一色を加えてみた。


