
Small flowers by the roadside (_itokanasikimonotachi_)

To an island

Straw hat and chocolate vanilla ice cream 01


The music used for the slides was

Tranquil Times

I have already stopped.
But,last summer, I indulged in imaginary trips using Street View and Google Earth.
In fact, I even researched the route, transport costs and accommodation costs to get there.
When I found out about a hotel on a certain island in the Seto Inland Sea, I made a particularly detailed plan. However, the transport costs alone were simply ridiculous. However much it may be in the Seto Inland Sea, there will be rainy days, and if a typhoon is approaching, it will be difficult to approach or return home. Above all, nothing is more dangerous than a beautiful seaside. I am convinced that every spectacular view is the flip side of a disaster. On top of that, I have bad luck, as if I were possessed by a plague god. The day I happen to go out, I suffer a disaster. I would think about such things and sigh.
I will never go to that island.
Yet, in my imagination, I can go anywhere. Thanks to maps and street views, I have plenty of material for pseudo-memories.
From her straw hat and chocolate vanilla ice-cream patterned blouse, I dream of spending time in a hotel on an island I've given up going to.
During the day, I don't go out anywhere, but stay inside the hotel.
It is only in the early morning and after the sun goes down that I go outside.
The way I spend my time is no different from when I am at home, but the light I am looking at is different.
The light, shadows and daily life of another place.
After a week or so of consecutive nights, can I say I'm tired of it?

瀬戸内海の、とある島のホテルを知ったときは、特に詳細な計画を立てた。しかし、交通費だけでも馬鹿にならない。いくら瀬戸内海とは言え、雨の日が続くこともあるだろうし、台風接近となれば近づくことも帰ることも難しくなる。何よりも、美しい海辺ほど危ないものはない。 全ての絶景は災厄の裏返しだと思い込んでいる。おまけに私は、疫病神にとり憑かれてでもいるかのように、運が悪い。たまたま出かけた日に災難に見舞われる。そんなことをぐちぐち思っては溜息をついていた。