
Small flowers by the roadside (_itokanasikimonotachi_)

turn off the room light


The music used for the slides was


I would rather read a pleasant story than a sad one.
The main focus should not be on the abnormal beings, but on the classic beauty, as I alone think of it.
It is only a far-off memory that I used to like stories of the bizarre and terrifying, and now I want to deny even that memory altogether.
Then I would have to bury all the time I have lived.

In my first year of employment, I went to visit one of my seniors. She was a book lover and reader, and was a regular customer of a small bookshop on the Motomachi Koukadori shopping street, which regularly delivered books to her workplace. Whenever she accumulated a few books, she would take a taxi on her way home and bring them back to her home. The main purpose of the visit was to have a look at the book collection.
The majority of the bookshelves were lined with reprinted first editions of well-known publications from the Meiji, Taisho and Showa periods. The bindings I had seen in my high school Japanese language handbooks. Although they were reprints, their beauty was exceptional.
All of them are things I have already read,' she said. But as a post-retirement pleasure.’ I remember my seniors saying that.
I heard from someone that she left Kobe after the Hanshin-Awaji earthquake and moved to Kyushu. I wonder if she took that collection of books with her. Even if she did, I wonder if the pleasures of the 30s and 40s remained the same over time.

This slide and the slide in the next article are the last ones taken that day.
The curtains had remained closed all the way up to this point. Was it because it was so terribly hot and humid? The room was so air-conditioned that it was chilly for me.
I opened the curtains, which were still closed, a little and looked at the sky at dusk and the ridges of the mountains leading to Rokko. I realised for the first time that the interior light was on, and switched it off.
I remember that even though I had only opened the curtains a little, I felt as if the blockage in my mind had been lifted.


