
Small flowers by the roadside (_itokanasikimonotachi_)

Toe shoes and puff-sleeved Chinese dress


The music used for the slides was


After the ao dai-style one-piece dress, a puff-sleeved Chinese dress.
The oriental dreamscape continues.
This, too, suits her as usual and the atmosphere is fascinatingly different from the one she had earlier.
She posted a selfie on X, perhaps during a battery change on the way. I don't know what the settings are, but immediately after posting it, there is access to it, which is just amazing from my eyes, as I am totally sick of both X and Instagram, but I can imagine the kind of load this person is feeling. The reactions will not only be good, but also negative. Is it being too much of selfish to want to view the internet as just a world of personal pleasures, as I do?
When I was employed and had to use a loaned Windows laptop to do what I had initially done on my personal computer, I resisted until the very end, saying that I was doing it in a stand-alone environment with no internet connection. This probably played a part in my decision to leave my job a year early.

I started making these slides a week after the shooting of the dreamscape was over.
Is it because of the stray typhoon that everything seems like a distant memory? Or is it because, like Urashima Taro returning from the Dragon's Palace, I have grown old in a short space of time?
While cleaning up the cat litter box near the washbasin, I noticed countless loose hairs on the floor. I am the only one in the house. Their short hair, less than 1 cm long, was so fragile that I wondered how thin they could be.

ao dai風のワンピースドレスの次は、パフスリーブのチャイナドレス。
途中のバッテリー交換時だったか、自撮り画像をXに投稿していた。どんな設定になっているのか、投稿後すぐにアクセスがある。XもInstagram も、すっかりイヤになっている私の目からすれば、ただ驚きなのだが、この人が感じる負荷のようなものが想像できる。反応は良いものばかりではなく、マイナスのものもあるだろう。私のように、ただ個人的な愉しみの世界としてネットを眺めたいと考えるのは、あまりにも虫が良すぎるのだろうか。
在職時、最初は個人持ちのPCでやっていたことを、貸与されたWINDOWS のノートパソコンでしなければならなくなったとき、「私はネットに接続しないスタンドアローンの環境でやっているから」と最後まで、抵抗した。納得のできる説明がないまま、それを受け入れざるを得なくなるのだが。1年早く、職を辞する気持ちになったのは、そんなことも多分影響している。
