
Small flowers by the roadside (_itokanasikimonotachi_)

pink again


The music used for the slides was

my eyes make pictures when they are shut - #3985 (87R85 pc 551 left) by chair house 241111

Pink one-piece swimsuit.
The last time it was worn by Yui Shinohara was two years ago in the 'fuchsia pink' article. It was purchased long before that. A check of the image files showed that the earliest image was from 2015, when it was worn by LEVEL-D's Iris. The blog was still called 'Collecting life-size dolls'.
This shoot looks the best, but when I went through the pictures after the shoot to make slides, I noticed something unpleasant. The nipples are particularly prominent. The swimsuit is not padded, so it is inevitable that the lines of the body will show, but the conditions were the same for Yui Shinohara and Iris. It was the first time I noticed that Rain Storm's body was shaped like that.
Why didn't I notice it during the shooting? Even in shots where the whole body is included in the composition, I always look only at the face. Even when my eyes go to the chest, the waist or the legs, they never stay there for long. I am also aware that the body parts are there because it is natural for a realistic doll to have them.
I remember the news that the leading actress was outraged when the official poster of a film had the breast part corrected without her permission. She said: 'Don't erase what's there without permission! That's what the actress said. ......

I decided to make a discreet correction to something that was completely unnoticeable during the shoot.
I took precautions because I had been mistakenly frozen for a word hunt in a previous blog, but I was not sure until the very end. If anyone had made a wild guess, I had no intention of doing so. However, I couldn't offer it up, and the only thing I could do would be to reshoot or correct the picture rather than suffer the dreaded freeze at the drop of a hat.
Even if I think it is just a beautiful doll, even if it is a blog that hardly anyone sees, as long as it is available to the general public, such consideration is necessary. If this is too much of an inconvenience, then I have no choice but to stop blogging.

2年前の記事"fuchsia pink" で、篠原唯に着せたのが直近になる。購入は、それよりも遥か以前。画像ファイルを調べてみると、LEVEL-DのIrisに着せた2015年が一番古い画像だった。ブログは、まだ「等身大人型蒐集」の頃。
今回の撮影が一番似合っているように見えるのだが、撮影が終わり、スライドに仕立てるために画像チェックをしていて、イヤなことに気付いた。乳頭が殊更に目立っている。胸にパッドの入っていない水着だから、身体の線が出るのは仕方がないのだが、篠原唯の時もIrisの場合も条件は同じ。このRain Stormのボディが、そういう造形になっていることに初めて気付いた。
