
Small flowers by the roadside (_itokanasikimonotachi_)

Young girl with a slight fever by mid-afternoon


The music used for the slides was

Night Note

The realistic dolls have veins drawn on them, even faintly.
I wondered foolishly whether, when the elaborate androids were realised, their skin would also have blue veins floating on it.

As I was photographing the doll, I recalled the September extra issue of an old S-F magazine, which had a cartoon called Sexaroid in the Dinosaur Zone, but I was more reminded of an essay-like passage at the front of the magazine, which read: ‘Blue veins are floating on her skin, yes? And in the afternoon, she has a slight fever! I love it!’  
A famous comedian and actor was said to have said that.
I was a high school student at the time. Two years later, this comic actor died of illness at the age of 77.
Despite the almost 60-year age difference, I guess I felt some kind of closeness to his words.
When I read them back, I found that they were presented in the context of who would be the best person to pretend the role of an adult android.

I'm much closer to the age of the comic actor than I was in high school, and I think a lot of things have changed, but not in my head. What I see is changing all the time, but  but my silly fantasies remain the same.


撮影しながら思い出したのは古いS-Fマガジンの9月臨時増刊号。Sexaroid in the Dinosaur Zone という漫画が載っているのも思い出したのだが、それよりも巻頭のエッセイ風の読み物にあった”ポーッと青い血管、肌に浮いているよな、昼過ぎになると微熱出るよな娘ーーーよろしおま!たまりまへん!”という言葉。ある有名な漫才師・俳優が、そんなことを言っていたとのこと。
