
Small flowers by the roadside (_itokanasikimonotachi_)

Blowing in the cool breeze.


The music used for the slides was

Le Gang
Lay on the Couch All Day (Free Download) [LoFi Beat/Chillout]

At night, before going to sleep, turn off the air conditioning.
When I wake up in the morning, the room temperature is 27°C. After opening the window for a while, it drops to 26°C. Such days have been continuing since the first day of autumn. Incidentally, in 2024, Rissh? will be at 9:09 on Wednesday, 7 August. This is the first time at my age that I have learned that there is a moment when it is Rissh?. Usually, it is just a day when I think of it as just autumn on the calendar or a Japanese poem by Toshiyuki Fujiwara.
On the day of this photo shoot, there was a cool breeze from the morning. I left the windows open until nearly noon and let the breeze blow in. If I went outside into the sun, I would have felt the heat, but the humidity would have dropped.
I don't feel like going anywhere, I just envision a vision of a summer resort.
I see the girl's hair dancing in the pleasant breeze.

Earthquakes, wars and bickering.
I wondered if they lived with these thoughts in mind. People from the Taisho era, such as Ryunosuke Akutagawa and Tatsuo Hori, who went to the summer resort of Karuizawa.

朝起きて、室温は27℃。窓を開けて暫くすると26℃に下がる。立秋の日から、そんな日が続いている。ちなみに2024年は8月7日水曜日 9:09が立秋とのこと。立秋になる瞬間があることを、この歳になって初めて知った。例年は、あくまでも暦の上の秋に過ぎないとか、藤原敏行の歌を思うくらいの日でしかなかった。
