
Small flowers by the roadside (_itokanasikimonotachi_)

A seaside hideaway


The music used for the slides was

Stan Magendanz
In Tengem

Nevertheless, the hot carpet in the living room is switched on. The shutters are kept closed due to the morning rainfall.
This shot was taken as usual in front of a west-facing window, which finally brightened after 16:00.
Although the location remained the same, the blue dress and white collar on the doll created a fantasy of a seaside hideaway/secret base.
It's like "The Silent Lion" or "Zabun Zazabun" ....... I am tempted to say that a beautiful high school student in school uniform would never enter such a shady place. The indulgent fantasies of an unattractive man. How childish it all is. However, the two music videos are so beautiful that I want to watch them over and over again.

The seaside I envisioned while shooting them is a desolate place like the one in Andrew Wyeth's painting. It's the kind of place only a misanthrope who has turned his back on the world could imagine.
This place was originally a summerhouse, but has stayed there even when the weather has turned cold.
Such a place would never attract beautiful young girls.

Come to think of it, my current home is like a hideaway. A house in the mountains where I live with my cat. As today, the shutters are not raised, the curtains are not opened and there are no visitors.
It has become a space isolated from the world, and all I see, apart from the cat, is a beautiful doll.

「無口なライオン」、「ざぶん ざざぶん」……といったような感じか。制服姿の美しい高校生が、そんな怪しげな場所へ立ち入るはずはないだろうと言いたくもなる。もてない男の罪作りな妄想。どこまでも子供じみている。しかし、二つのミュージックビデオは美しく、繰り返し眺めてみたくなる。

