
Small flowers by the roadside (_itokanasikimonotachi_)

She liked owls.


The music used for the slides was

His Little Nameless Unremembered Acts - #3826 '84R35 Percent 710 Left) By Chair House 240605

I got married at the age of 25 and moved four times. The first and second, third and fourth times were each in the same neighbourhood, so the landline phone number only had to be changed twice.
The third time we moved to a residential area in the mountains, following the advice of an ENT doctor that our daughter had been seeing in the winter.
Every day, we could hear the cries of warblers and little cuckoos.
My wife told me that if we put a feeder on the drying balcony, it would attract small birds.
But it doesn't necessarily mean that small birds will come. Wouldn't it be a problem if pigeons and crows started coming? I responded,
Certainly. She nodded.
Beyond the balcony was a mountain owned by a private railway company, with a railway line running underneath it, lower than the road. There was no road into that mountain, even though it was visible right in front of us. Maybe that's why, somewhere on that mountain, an owl lives.
At the dawn of winter, at a time when it was still night, I got up to work on my take-home.
It was at that time that I heard the owl's call.
My wife must have still been asleep, but when we moved for the fourth time, 
'Gorosuke ho-ho-ho. I guess they don't hoot here." She said.
I said, "What is that? I've never heard such onomatopoeia before." 
She said, "Oh, you don't know? That's what owls call it.
She add, 'It's a more convincing onomatopoeia than the Hototogis teppenkaketaka,' she also said.
'Sad to hear it no more.'

At dawn the day before my wife's funeral, I went to the third house, where I had left various things, to pick up my mourning clothes; it was mid-November, but the owls were hooting and I remembered my wife's voice, which she had muttered ruefully some years ago.
Owls stop hooting in spring, as if they are going somewhere else, but when the nights are long, they start hooting again.
Perhaps it is not the same owl, but a replacement generation.

